ESCIP2024 Workshop: “Teaching scientific computing at the dawn of AI”#

ESCIP2024 will be held at Iowa State University from May 30-31, 2024

  • The central theme of ESCIP2024 workshop is devising new strategies for teaching scientific computing at the time where ChatGPT and similiar disruptive generative AI technologies are changing the way we learn and solve problems.

  • The workshop will be a combination of keynote and lightning talks, work in small groups, brainstorming sessions and also a training program for anyone interested in learning the best practices for using python based computaation in undergraduate STEM courses.

  • Research Corporation for Science Advancement (RCSA) is sponsoring the event. Funding will be used to cover the travel and meals during the event.

  • Registration to attend is free but you must RSVP to reserve a spot! please fill out the registration form by April 25, 2024


Wednesday May 29, 2024#



Step 1

Arrive at Des moines Airport, Reserve a convenient shuttle a week in advance or use Uber/Lyft to travel to Ames

Step 2

Arrive at Gateway Hotel of Ames

6:30 pm -

Welcome Social and Dinner at Gateway Hotel

Thursday May 30, 2024#



8 am - 9 am

Breakfast and Introductions at Hach Hall, Iowa State

9 am - 9:15 am

Welcome message by Prof Theresa Windus, chair of ISU Chemistry Department

9:15 am - 9:30 pm

Intorduction to ESCIP workshop by Prof. Davit Potoyan

9:30 am - 10:15 pm

“Emerging trends in the use of generative AI in chemistry education” Prof. Tom Holme, Iowa State University

10:30 am - 10:55 pm

“Identifying biases in AI driven research in biochemistry”
Prof. Ratul Chowdhury, Iowa State University

11 am - 11:45 pm

“Navigating ChatGPT: Empowering Education with the P.E.E.R.S. Approach”
Dr. Andrew Severin, Iowa State University

12 pm - 2 pm

Lunch and informal discussions

2:00 pm - 2:45 pm

“Leveraging Artificial Intelligence to Accelerate Learning and Empower Educators in Chemistry” Jason Pearson, University of Prince Edward Island

3:00 pm - 3:45 pm

“Enhancing code literacy and computational thinking in chemistry courses with Python coding projects”
Prof. Gianmarc Grazioli, San Jose State University

3:45 pm - 4:00 pm


4:00 pm - 4:45 pm

“ChatGPT as an ‘Agent to Think With”
Prof. Ted Clark , Ohio State University

4:45 pm - 5:00 pm


5:00-6:00 pm

Dinner and lightning talks

5:00-5:15 pm

“Implementing high-performance computing in undergraduate education”
Prof. Pavel Lukashev, University of Northern Iowa

5:20:5:35 pm

“Exploring ChatGPT’s Role in STEM Education: Benefits and Challenges in Liberal Arts Classrooms”
Prof. Shanshan Rodriguez, Grinell College

5:40:5:55 pm

“Teaching Molecular Dynamics in the age of ChatGPT” Dr. Subhadip Biswas, Iowa State University

6:00 pm – 8:00pm

Social and Informal discussions

Friday May 31, 2024#



8:30 am - 9:00 am

Breakfast and Tour of ESCIP repository, Prof. Davit Potoyan (

9:15-10:00 am

“Intro to ChemCompute”
Prof. Mark Perri, Sonoma State University

10:00-10:45 pm

“Inspiring Individual Intelligence: Constructivist Learning with Python Notebooks and AI”
Dr. Ardith Bravenec, University of Washington

11:00 am - 12 am

Work on Python/ChatGPT materials in small groups

12 pm - 1 pm

Lunch and informal discussions

1 pm - 2 pm

Concluding remarks by attendees

3 pm - 6 pm

Tour of Des Moines Capitol and East Village