Format of notebooks#

There are no rigid guidelines on how notebooks should be crafted but it is important to outline a philosphy to try to follow as much as possible in orde to create coherent content.

Design guidelines

  • Use well established and stable libraries in scientific python3 ecosystem;

    • numpy, scipy, pandas, ipywdigets, matplotlib, seaborn, plotly and pyviz.

  • Avoid rapidly evolving specialized packages.

  • Build the interactive content from scratch using basic building blokcs of numpy, scipy and matplotlib.

  • All the code should be self-contained and sotred inside jupyter notebook.

  • Document all functions and use PEP8.

  • Keep background material to the minimum.

  • Have well documented functions.

Main sections of the notebook

  1. Objectives: List what are the objective of the notebook. What concepts will students learn.

  2. Background: have a succinct summary of prerequisite theory with links to wikipedia or other preferably free resource.

  3. Code: Have a set of clean well documented python functions relying on numpy, scipy and matplotlib as much as possible. Do not write excessive comments.

  4. Applications: Show how to use the code with explanations and examples

  5. Exercises and Problems: Provide a few exercises with solutions and Problems