Enhancing Science Courses by Integrating Python (ESCIP)#

What is ESCIP about?

  • ESCIP is a collaborative initiative dedicated to developing and disseminating Jupyter Notebooks for chemistry, physics and astronomy education.

  • Most importantly ESCIP is a netowwork of educators passionate about lowering the barriers for students to adopt modern practices in scientific computing, data analysis and visualization.

  • We provide trainings for instructors new to python and hold regular workshops at universities across the nation. Check out the upcoming and previous workshops held so far.

Spring 2024 ESCIP workshop

ESCIP Workshop @ Iowa State, May 30-31

Meet the team 🤠

Learn about the ESCIP contributors and co-PIs.

Join us ✨

Interested in contributing? Join our Slack chanel with a network of over 70+ faculty.

Browse the notebooks 🚀

Use the right panel or search window to find notebooks on various topics in Chemistry, Physics and Biology.


Many thanks to the Research Corporation for Science Advancement (RCSA), which provides continued support for the ESCIP Project.